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Alien-like Skulls of Ancient America

“Alien-like skulls found in a small Mexican village recently date back 1,000 years ago.”

This quote is from a recent article by Bruce Baker in “” Elongated skulls have been found all over the world. The question asked over and over is: “Are these skulls proof that we have been visited by aliens from outer space?”

Let’s look at the skulls found in Paracas, Peru. Brien Foerster, contributor to

Paracas Skulls

History Channel’s Ancient Aliens, recently reported that DNA testing of the Paracas Skulls turned up “DNA mutations [that] are unknown in any human, primate, or animal known so far.”

Wow! Are we on to something here? Even Carl Sagan, the renown astronomer who hosted the original “Cosmos, Space Odyssey” believed that there had to be other intelligent life out there in the cosmos somewhere. So, is it possible these other-worldly looking skulls indicate that we have already been visited by extraterrestrials?

Turning back to the article on “Alien-like” skulls, Baker goes on to state that, “The group [investigating the skulls] believes the early Mesoamerican people had the practice of ‘head binding.’ As cruel as this sounds, this was an intentional practice that likely bestowed a degree of rank and status within the culture.”

Mayan methods for cranial deformation

The skulls in Paracas and hundreds of others found around the world are the skulls of earthlings whose heads were deformed, usually on purpose in early childhood. The scientific name is “Artificial Cranial Deformation.”

Many Native American cultures used cranial deformation to indicate their status and to distinguish their clan or group. The practice dates back far beyond the 3,000 years-old Paracas skulls to even the Neanderthals, 45,000 b.c., and even continues today in some parts of the world like on the island of Vanuatu in the South Pacific Ocean.

Different techniques have been used, but essentially a baby’s head is wrapped with a tight cloth, or flat boards strapped to its head to encourage unnatural growth of the skull in its formative months or years. For instance, the Mayans used several different techniques including a hinged wooden cradle.

There have been examples of unintended deformation born out of a desire to protect the baby. In the region of Toulouse, France, deformation seemed to have been the consequence of tightly wrapping and padding an infant’s head to protect it, a medical practice known as “bandeau” among the peasantry.

The Chinook tribes of the Northwest Pacific Coast used cranial deformation “Since slavery was a common practice by

Painting by Paul Kane showing Chinookan Child

ancient Pacific Coast tribes, having a flat head served to distinguish one as a member of the elites and prevented them for being accidently seized for slavery.” [refer to my article]

The Catawba tribes of Northeastern America used the technique to make their warriors look more fierce and intimidating.

Today, we may find the practice not only cruel and savage, but a lot of effort goes into preventing even the accidental deformation of a baby’s head. Note this article by WENDY S. BIGGS, M.D., University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, Michigan in the Am Fam Physician. May, 2003:

“In children with positional head deformity (posterior plagiocephaly), the occiput is flattened with corresponding facial asymmetry. The incidence of positional head deformity increased dramatically between 1992 and 1999, and now occurs in one of every 60 live births. One proposed cause of the increased incidence of positional head deformity is the initiative to place infants on their backs during sleep to prevent sudden infant death syndrome. With early detection and intervention, most positional head deformities can be treated conservatively with physical therapy or a head orthosis (“helmet”). “

So, although the “alien-like” skulls are alien-looking to us today, they were not the heads of space aliens, just earthlings with tastes alien to today’s predilection.

Painting by Paul Kane showing a Chinookan child

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