Cherokee Fables: The Bird Tribes, Part 1
The sky is the flyway of the bird, whose freedom is to light and go at will … . When evening shadows fall upon the earth and a lone jet...

Cherokee Fables: The Rabbit and the Possum After a Wife
Spring is here and with the month of May comes the season for weddings! The ancient Cherokee told a funny story about the devious rabbit...

Native American Firsts
The January issue of National Geographic magazine is called “The Firsts Issue”. I think that Native Americans might “take issue” with...

Star Brothers on Parade
Tonight, April 23, 2015, is an interesting night for sky watchers. At 8 pm Mountain Time, right after the sun goes down, you may be able...

Native American Skies: Eclipse Legends
A couple of weeks ago, we observed a “Lunar Eclipse”. Because this year is when the moon is in its minor “Lunar Standstill” (refer to...

New Sites Challenge Precepts of Agricultural Revolution
There is excavation going on in Ceibal, Guatemala that is threatening the conventional wisdom concerning the ascent of man! Jacob...

Chaco Phenomenon (Yupkoyvi): A Hopi Story
The civilization that inhabited the canyon in central New Mexico known as “Chaco Canyon” was indeed a “phenomenon”. Despite extensive...
Dark Skies In Westcliffe/Silver Cliff
For many centuries, dark skies filled with billions of twinkling stars was taken as a matter of fact. Shepherds, nomads, farmers and...

First American: New Discoveries
It seems that every year discoveries push back the date for the first Americans. The January edition of the National Geographic magazine...

Native American Skies: Hey! Diddle, Diddle, a Springtime Riddle?
Since the dawn of man, the sky was our big screen, HD, TV. All of the ancient peoples around the world have observed the sun, the moon,...